United Cuts on Service

image United Airlines is looking for additional ways to save money. After raising prices and charging for checked bags the next cutback is on the offered meals. Most companies don’t offer complimentary meals in domestic flights already (I believe Continental is still the only one that does, and US Airways even went further last month and started charging $2 for soft drinks and $1 for coffee/tea. United is now taking the next step and completely eliminates any type of snacks on domestic flights and meals on international flights also!

Effective Sept 2nd:

  • 2-3 hour flights won’t offer the pretzels and biscuits anymore and instead it will offer to buy on board snacks.

Effective Oct 1st: 

  • Buy on board prices will increase:
    • Shelf-stable items increase from $5 to $6
    • Fresh items will increase from $7 to $9
  • Other changes:
    • No more free meals in coach on flights from Dulles to Europe. Instead will offer to buy meals on board
    • On three class planes, business class will get a free “buy-on-board” meal rather than the special meal you would get before
    • No more second meal service on P.S. flights (Premium Service). This will be replaced with a beverage service.
    • Reduce the flight attendant staffing to the minimum required by FAA.