The Wrath of Ike

imageThis week I’m attending the VSX Developer Conference in Redmond. I was supposed to fly on Sunday through Houston, but Hurricane Ike changed the plans for a lot of travelers. Continental completely shut down the operations in IAH from Friday noon through Saturday. I thought my flight Sunday late morning would be safe, but yesterday I got a call from Continental that my itinerary was changed and when I went online I saw that my flight was rerouted through Newark. Today if you go to the notices link, you will see that it was changed and the operations are suspended through Sunday. It is amazing to see the destruction Ike left on his way not only in the coast line, but also in downtown Houston. I hope all my co workers based out of Houston are well as I know that our corporate office in Houston was closed on Friday and moved operations to a backup location. Our email server and BlackBerry server are still down and hopefully it will be back up by Monday. I’m flying back on the Thursday’s red-eye through Houston so hopefully everything will be back to normal by then.