There are a lot of ways to earn miles and points and many tricks to try to maximize the amounts you can get. It can be through a credit card, a special promotion or simply by signing to one of the programs that let your "double-dip" - meaning you get points in the company your purchase the service from and also in another plan you are a member of.
Did you know that some car rental companies charge you a "Frequent Flyer Tax Recovery Surcharge"? The rental company is charging you a daily fee for the privilege of earning airline miles or hotel points through their partnership promotions!
- Budget will charge you $0.50 per day (up to $2 per rental).
- Avis will charge you $0.50 per day also.
- Thrifty will charge your $0.06 to $0.50 depending on the partner.
- Dollar will charge you $0.24 when you "get" 250 miles in NWA.
If you think it's worth it, keep on double-dipping. I rather max the amount of points that I can get in the company I get the service from.
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